WMWC Board of Directors Ballot Instructions
** Annual Meeting of Members is March 26, 2025 @ 7:00 p.m. at the Santa Rosa Country Club in the Ballroom. **
Board of Directors Voting Information, Interest Form, Candidate Statements
Voting information, Candidates Statements, and BoD Interest Form moved to Member Communication section of the WMWC website
BoD Interest Form - Needs to be completed by all Candidates - see BoD Interest Form for deadline
All Candidate Statement will be posted to WMWC website for review by Members once deadlines passes and the Candidate Interest Forms have been received
A Board of Director Duties document has been created as can be found on both the Board of Directors page in Contact us section, as well as linked the in the BoD Interest Form section.
All Candidates will be invited to introduce themselves at the February Board of Directors Meeting and asked to remain after the meeting to answer any questions Members may have for them.
All Members can elect to wait to return their Ballot until after he February Board Meeting
All Current Board Members that are up for re-election are running for re-election
Per the WMWC Bylaws:
Directors shall be elected by the Members at the Annual Meeting of Members or by proxy
Each Director shall hold office for a two-year term
There can only be one vote per Member (regardless of the number of owners of record)
A Quorum of 40 Members must vote to be considered a valid vote
Section 3.05. Voting, At each Meeting of Members, each voting Member holding a Certificate in good standing shall have the right to cast one vote. Any Certificate issued or standing in the name of more than one person shall entitle the holders thereof to cast only one vote collectively.
Section 3.06. Quorum. At any Meeting of Members, the presence in person or by proxy of Members holding at least one fourth (1⁄4 or currently 40 Members) of the voting power of the Corporation shall constitute a Quorum.
Section 4.03. Election and Terms of Office. The Directors shall be elected at each annual meeting of Members. If any such annual meeting is not held, or the Directors are not elected therein, the Directors may be elected at any special meeting of Members held for that purpose. All Directors shall hold office until their respective successors are elected. Terms of office are two years.
*** Please return the Ballot (enclosed) by mail (to be received by 3/25/2025) to WMWC at P.O. Box 577, Fulton, CA 95439, or bring in a sealed envelope to the Annual Meeting of Members.
Thank you,
WMWC Board of Directors